Where to enjoy a good meal and drink in the Lusatian Mountains

Lesní bistro a Kemp Kamenice

The forest bistro offers not only coffee from the local roastery Caffé08, but also regional beers from Krásná Lípa and Děčín.

Bohemian Coffee House

A family café with a roastery in the centre of Rumburk which will scent your day with fresh coffee and delicious homemade pastries both sweet and savoury.

Farma Hvozd

Traditional and modern cuisine in the picturesque countryside below Hvozd, refreshed with excellent wine from Moravian and French vineyards and local beer called Falkenštejn.

Jítravský Dvorec

A culinary experience like no other, the best from our own organic farm, fresh beef and lamb, venison from the nearby forests, seasonal vegetables, herbs, and other local ingredients that are a pleasure to cook with and even greater to taste – find out for yourself!

Farma Hvozd

Traditional and modern cuisine in the picturesque countryside below Hvozd, refreshed with excellent wine from Moravian and French vineyards as well as local beer Falkenštejn

Sklářská restaurace Huť

Sklářská restaurace je přímo propojena se sklářskou hutí a díky sklené stěně si tak můžete vychutnat nejen kvalitní kuchyni, která si zakládá na místních surovinách, ale i um a řemeslnou zručnost českých sklářů, kteří právě pracují na jednom z mnoha zajímavých projektů.

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