Traditional houses

The traditional Upper Lusatian houses that combine log house, timber framing, and building stone methods of construction while also boasting slate gables and divided windows… these are some of the typical attributes of the folk buildings in the Lusatian Mountains.

Wooden Upper Lusatian style houses are a typical sight in the Czech-Polish-German borderlands. Traditional folk houses are scattered like beads in the mountain valleys and meadows. Beautiful half-timbered houses can be found in the picturesque villages of Mařenice, Heřmanice, Horní and Dolní Světlá, Krompach, and many other places. Velenice, Sloup v Čechách, or Kryštofovo Údolí enjoy the status of village conservation areas with beautifully preserved cottages. More impressive buildings can be found in towns such as Kamenický Šenov, Nový Bor, or Jablonné v Podještědí. Once a year, the Upper Lusatian houses are opened to the public, who can get acquainted with these unique folk architecture masterpieces through the Open Day. The owners of such houses can join HERE

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Go where your passion leads you

Running, walking, in the saddle, or on the rope… bike, horse, or a comfy seat… looking for new journeys, trying what you can do, pushing your limits… whatever suits your fancy, the Lusatian Mountains are here for you!

Only 700 meters high, and yet…

The Lusatian Mountains are not too large and not too high, yet the ten 700 meters tall peaks here, thanks to their prominence, are sure to thoroughly test the fitness of anyone who wishes to conquer them.

Traditional craft

The glassmaking tradition in the Lusatian Mountains is more than 700 years old. Discover its beauty through both its rich history and vibrant present!

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