Connected with heaven

Major churches and small chapels or shrines are scattered across the landscape like beads. They make one think, uplift and caress the soul, and please the eye.

It doesn’t matter whether you believe in something or what it actually is. There are places on Earth that make you slow down, sit on a stone step, or just stand tall and let the genius loci impress you. Listen to the rustling wind – it’s as if you could hear the scraps of prayers, wishes, and requests to patrons and saints. The places of worship such as Bratrské oltáře, the Stations of the Cross in Cvikov or Jiřetín pod Jedlovou, or the Modlivý důl have a magical aura about them. The most impressive church in the region, the Basilica Minor in Jablonné v Podještědí, is the final resting place for the Czech saint St. Zdislava. On the other hand, there are also tiny niche chapels and divine torments that are not ostentatious, but they are all the more picturesque and decorate the landscape like beads.

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The generosity of nature

Indeed, exceptionally rich in rarities the Lusatian Mountains are… chamois, deer, wolves, mouflons, bats, orchid meadows, flowery beech groves, enchanting forests…

Go where your passion leads you

Running, walking, in the saddle, or on the rope… bike, horse, or a comfy seat… looking for new journeys, trying what you can do, pushing your limits… whatever suits your fancy, the Lusatian Mountains are here for you!

Only 700 meters high, and yet…

The Lusatian Mountains are not too large and not too high, yet the ten 700 meters tall peaks here, thanks to their prominence, are sure to thoroughly test the fitness of anyone who wishes to conquer them.

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