Only 700 meters high, and yet…

The Lusatian Mountains are not too large and not too high, yet the ten 700 meters tall peaks here, thanks to their prominence, are sure to thoroughly test the fitness of anyone who wishes to conquer them.

There are mountains that leave you in awe and mountains that touch your soul. The Lusatian Mountains belong in the second category because they have a human aspect to them. Although their highest peaks are less than 800 metres above sea level, they feature everything that mountains should. If they weren’t called Lusatian, their name would be Picturesque! The view of them is soothing – from the ridges curled with mixed forests, the landmarks, the highest peak called Luž, the sprawling Hvozd, the stalwart Klíč, the brooding Studenec, and the queen Jedlová with her crown of a stone lookout tower, stand out with dignity.

Pozkoumejte další fenomény

Connected with heaven

Major churches and small chapels or shrines are scattered across the landscape like beads. They make one think, uplift and caress the soul, and please the eye.

The seats of the local masters

Guard castles grew like mushrooms after rain along the old trade route from Prague to Zittau. Some became charming castles, others turned into romantic ruins.

Traditional craft

The glassmaking tradition in the Lusatian Mountains is more than 700 years old. Discover its beauty through both its rich history and vibrant present!

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